When buying a new property with a pool how do you know if everything is in sound condition or not leaking?

The costs to fix any leaks or issues could cost you thousands.

At Elite Leak Detection we offer whats called a Pre Purchase report. This is a full leak detection test on the pool, a thorough inspection off all pool equipment and a detailed report with photos.

Would you like piece of mind that there are no leaks or worst case there are? A pre purchase inspection is highly recommended.

We can offer solutions to problems or any leaks.

Whats included in the Pre Purchase service:

  • A full leak detection test
  • Condition of filtration, pump, filter, chlorinator etc
  • Inspection of any pool or spa lights
  • Condition of any pool or spa equipment i.e pool cleaner, leaf catcher, hoses etc
  • Condition of structure
  • Condition of surrounds
  • A detailed report with photos

You would not buy the house without having a building and pest report done so why chance it and assume the pool is fine and not leaking.

We would highly recommend a pre purchase inspection before buying a new property. 

If you have any further questions you can contact us on 0400 555 573 or via email.